Each year we receive a lot of calls about Jersey framing and since Fantastic Framing is offering jersey framing we help our customers to frame memorabilias from their favorite players or their own jerseys. Some would like to keep their jersey good as new. They don’t want to store it in their closet.They want to have it visible or make it as a home decor.
In Fantastic Framing we make sure that your jerseys will be taken care of, and expectations are fantastic. Customers are loving our creations and we are gaining more customers cause we are making sure that customers can afford our works and we have the cheapest jersey framings.
Process in Making Jersey Frame
Layout and Folding
We always ask our customers what will be the output they want.
Choosing the best frames that customer would like , well of course we will ask them what kind of frames they want for their jersey.
High quality materials would really create a very nice masterpiece that our customer will surely love.
Having the jersey mounted to a specific frame, we make sure that it will be installed as clean as possible. Meaning you won’t be seeing any staples, adhesive or any materials that may damage your jersey. We use foam that has the same size of your jersey.
We can also put the name of the team,year in a piece of metal to make your frame more interesting and detailed and informative.
If you want to make your jersey frame more attractive we can also put background colors just the way you want.
Here are samples of our Jersey Framing