Unfortunately, Covid 19 has returned to the city of Melbourne and the state of Victoria. In response, a statewide ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown began on May 27th, imposing a wide raft of Stage 3 restrictions to the state.
Many companies and organisation already fear the worst, contemplating the short and long term implications of the new restrictions on their business. Like countless others, Fantastic Framing acknowledges the strain that this will take on local businesses.
With multiple operations in Melbourne (St Kilda and Kew), our mobile framing service has too been affected by the new limits imposed by the Victorian State Government.
Featured in the Smart Company article ‘Take away, click-and-collect or closed: Victoria announces new COVID-19 restrictions as the state enters lockdown from midnight’ our owner Avi expressed his thoughts and insights on the current situation.
“It will affect us dramatically,” he told Smart Company, “First of all, in the mood of the staff and then the income of the company.”
In addition, Avi also voiced his deep disappointment with the decision, “I think it’s an exaggeration, people need to take precautions but when you look at Sydney, you see that you can close an area, you don’t need to close all of Melbourne.”
Fantastic Framing sends it thoughts and wishes out to all small businesses and the people of Victoria on the whole at this time. We look forward to resuming operations in Melbourne and Victoria as soon as possible!